A Guide to Using Ivana as a paraplanning assistant

Are you looking to use AI as a paraplanning assistant?

In this guide, we show you how you can upload files using the iC2 SOA Wizard, and then chat to Ivana as a secure AI powered paraplanning assistant.

Traditionally, it can take paraplanners hours to scan through an advisers SOA request to understand the scenario. Using Ivana, you can upload the supporting documentation and simply ask Ivana for the information you want. Then add the repsonses into the SOA Wizard scenario.

Step 1: Create a New SOA Scenario in iC2

  1. Once you have selected your client, from the Left Menu, select iC2 Wizards > Statement of Advice.

  2. Then give the new SOA Scenario a name and click Create button.

Step 2: Select the SOA Inclusions and Switch On Ivana

  1. From the SOA Inclusions menu, you can select the sections you want to include in the SOA. This will enable the relevant input sections in the wizard.

  2. To upload files to Ivana, you can switch on the ‘Would you like help from Ivana’ toggle.

  3. Click the Upload Meeting Notes button.

Step 3: Upload Files to Ivana

  1. Drop and Drop or click to upload your files to Ivana.

  2. Click ‘Yes’ to ingest the new file/s.

  3. Then Click ‘Send to Ivana’.

**Files need to be either .docx or pdf format

Your files will be uploaded into the secure Azure environment for ingestion and indexing to a vector.

  • Once ingested, you will be able to see the list of files that have been sent to Ivana.

  • You can delete files from the Container.

  • You can also upload additional files using the Upload Meeting Notes button.

Step 4: Start Chatting with Ivana

When you open the Ivana Chat App, you will notice a new SOA index for your scenario in the Left Menu.

Click on the index to start asking Ivana questions about the data in your SOA Scenario.

You now have a personal AI paraplanning assistant over your data.

As a paraplanning assistant, you can ask Ivana anything.

Ivana can assist with strategy development, SOA wording, calculations - the list goes on.

The more accurate the data you update to Ivana, the better the responses will be.

Step 5: Fill out the SOA Wizard Inputs

Use the responses form Ivana to fill out the SOA Wizard

You can add the client objectives, scope of advice, strategy recommendations, product recommendations etc.

Ivana becomes your efficient paraplanning assistant.

Using Ivana with Xplan

If you use Xplan, you can use Ivana to complete your Xplan wizard.

Follow the same process above to upload files to Ivana, then simply copy and paste the responses from Ivana into your Xplan wizard inputs


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