Generating Service Agreements

Before You Get Started

Before you get started, you will need make a few configurations to your Service Agreements App.

Upload Agreement Templates:

You can upload your own customised Ongoing and Annual Agreement templates. You can download the default template on the links below.

Setting Your Service Categories:

You can set the details of your services to be delivered under your agreement, which will be pulled into the letter template.

Click on the Settings Icon, and click on Service Categries

Click the add icon to add a new service category.

Give the service category a name.

Add the details of the services to be provided under your agreement.

Click Save.

You can edit your service categories at any time.

If you need any assistance, please raise a support request.

Generating an Agreement

Once you have configured your Service Agreement App, you can now start to generate agreements.

Step 1: Create a New Agreement

Click ‘Create New Agreement’

Fill out the Service Agreement popup.

You can choose to generate either an Ongoing Agreement or Fixed Term Agreement.

When setting the Reference Date, enter either the date agreed with the client, or the 12 month anniversary date.

Step 2: Generate the Agreement

Click ‘Generate Agreement’.

Select the service category from the dropdown.

This will populate the letter with the details of the services to be delivered.

Click Next

Click the add icon to add the fees to be paid under the agreement.

Select the client, input the product and the fee payable and frequency.

Click Print to generate your agreement.

Step 3: Finalise and PDF the Document

Your Agreement will be generated and downloaded to your device.

Finalise the agreement, and save it as a PDF.

Upload the final PDF’d document to the Agreement Letter section.


Uploading Outstanding Files For Revex


End of Month Pay Runs